The Adventures Of Sivan In The City סיון הדרי

A modern-day look at the adventures of a hip young aspiring actress in the great city of New York. Everything from my American Idol audition to the latest waitress job I was fired from... You'll laugh, you'll cry, You might even end up with gas. Robin Williams gives it two thumbs up!!! Now playing some of my favorite music compliments of! Have Fun!!! סיון הדרי

Thursday, January 26, 2006

pABLo picAsSO LiVeS On

Yes my friends, Pablo Picasso lives on!!! I know it might seem strange now but this is his latest work named simply "The Adventures of Sivan in the City". I possed for Pablo a while back and never did i dream in a thousand years that the final outcome would look so marvolous. No now seriously. Guess who got into AMDA? ME ME ME MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! I could not beleive it but I got a call today and they said I'm in!!! I was so happy!!! I still can't believe it!!! The American Musical and Dramatic Academy.
This was actualy the headshot I sent them so when they saw me in person they were much happier to see that my face looks so much better than it does in the Picasso recreation. This wondeful piece was really put together by my good friend Adi Forti from Israel who studys
Animation in an Art school in Israel. So if anyone out there ever needs to fix up photo of themsleves...Adi Forti can have you looking like this in no time. Think about it. I hear his prices are pretty reasonable too. He gave this one to me for free since we are such good friends... Ah the perks of being Sivan in the City. I get free stuff like this all the time. I love life.

Don't forget to wash behing your ears,


  • At 10:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


  • At 10:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hye there

    I thought that was really the way you looked until I saw the other picture.

    Funny Blog!


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