The Adventures Of Sivan In The City סיון הדרי

A modern-day look at the adventures of a hip young aspiring actress in the great city of New York. Everything from my American Idol audition to the latest waitress job I was fired from... You'll laugh, you'll cry, You might even end up with gas. Robin Williams gives it two thumbs up!!! Now playing some of my favorite music compliments of! Have Fun!!! סיון הדרי

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

A TeRroRiSt LOvE StORy

Hello my cuties!!!

As usaul I took some time between posts since I am so busy and have so much going in my life right now...I have no time to write in my own blog... NOOOOO the truth is I am not that busy lately
I am just to lazy to update my owm blog! Shame on me. I hope you guys are'nt upset with me. I am sorry that I have neglected you for so long. I missed you. All of you. Even you.. the one with the funny hair-do.
Anyway Here is a short Comedy I did a few months ago. Its called A Terroirst Love Story, directed by Ray Downs. It a hallarious film about the relationship between this terrorist and a girl he met on the subway.
It cracks me up everytime watch it. It's just crazy funny.

In order to watch the movie you should press on the " play this audio post" button on top and then press play for the movie underneath the little screen.
Have fun

Sivan in the Template City
סיון הדרי