The Adventures Of Sivan In The City סיון הדרי

A modern-day look at the adventures of a hip young aspiring actress in the great city of New York. Everything from my American Idol audition to the latest waitress job I was fired from... You'll laugh, you'll cry, You might even end up with gas. Robin Williams gives it two thumbs up!!! Now playing some of my favorite music compliments of! Have Fun!!! סיון הדרי

Sunday, November 05, 2006

MAGOR- The Greatest Band Alive

Yes I know you are Jealous that my brother is the frontman for Magor an amazing Death Metal band- but you just have to find your own thing that you are good at.

Don't worry, you'll find it. You just have to concentrate and work really hard at it.
I am so Proud of my little brother Aviv. He is a musical genius!!!
Look and Learn,
Sivan in the City